Sidewalks and crosswalks are meant to provide safe paths for pedestrians, but unfortunately, pedestrians still face the risk of being hit by vehicles. Given pedestrians’ vulnerability without the protection of a vehicle surrounding them, car accidents involving pedestrians often lead to serious injuries. 

At Pete Olson Injury Law, we have experience seeking compensation for the injuries and emotional distress experienced by pedestrians who are hit by motorized vehicles. We’ll fight for your rights and help you understand your options for compensation under Tennessee law.

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Table of Contents:

victim of a pedestrian car accident in TennesseeTennessee Protections for Pedestrians

Tennessee pedestrian laws protect the rights of those walking or in wheelchairs to travel on Tennessee roads. Drivers must exercise care while driving and yield right-of-way to pedestrians in crosswalks or when exiting driveways or alleyways. They must also stop at marked school zone crosswalks and yield in unmarked school zone crosswalks.

Although pedestrians have a right to use all non-access-controlled roads in Tennessee, they must follow certain rules. For example, pedestrians must:

  • Use sidewalks whenever available
  • Use the left side of the road, facing traffic, when not on a sidewalk
  • Yield to cars when crossing the road in areas outside of marked or unmarked crosswalks.

If a pedestrian is hit by a vehicle, they may be able to pursue compensation from the other driver’s insurance or, if necessary, in a personal injury case.

Potential Compensation for Victims of Pedestrian Car Accidents in TN

According to the Department of Safety and Homeland Security, Tennessee has seen an increase in the number of pedestrian car accidents, and the two groups most likely to be affected are young children and adults over the age of 65. If you were a pedestrian and the driver of a vehicle hit you and caused injuries, you may be able to seek compensation for the harm you suffered. Avenues for compensation include:

  • Economic damages, including medical bills, lost wages, loss of future income, and property damage
  • Non-economic damages, including pain and suffering, emotional distress, loss of consortium, and loss of enjoyment of life

Although sometimes pedestrians’ own actions cause the accident that caused their injuries, drivers are more commonly at fault, often because they failed to yield right-of-way. An injured pedestrian can often seek compensation from the driver’s insurance (or the car owner’s insurance if the driver did not own the vehicle), but it may be necessary to file a lawsuit in order to get fair compensation.

Comparative Negligence: Proving Fault for Pedestrian Accidents in Tennessee

If you believe the driver of the vehicle that hit you caused the accident, they may be held liable for their role in the accident and your injuries. Tennessee courts use a comparative negligence approach to determining fault for vehicle accidents. Each party is assigned a percentage of fault for the accident based on the available evidence, and this information is used to determine the amount of compensation owed.

If the wounded party is assigned more than 50% fault, they are denied compensation. If they are 50% or less at fault, they can still recover compensation, but their damages will be lessened according to their liability. If, for example, someone is 50% at fault and compensation is set at a $100,000 award, they will receive $50,000.

A skilled personal injury attorney can help you gather and organize the appropriate documented evidence to build a strong case and potentially prove the other party’s liability. Examples of such evidence include the police report from the accident, traffic camera footage, and witness statements.

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How Pete Olson Injury Law Can Help Injured Pedestrians Seek Compensation

If you have been injured in a pedestrian car accident or if you have lost a loved one as a result of a pedestrian car accident, you have avenues to seek justice – and you don’t have to do it alone. The experienced attorneys at Pete Olson Injury Law can help you build a strong case in your quest for justice and handle the complex legal process for you, freeing you up to focus your time and energy on healing from the physical and emotional trauma of being injured in a pedestrian accident.

GET PETE! for Your Car Accident Claim In and Around Clarksville, TN

At Pete Olson Injury Law, our firm is committed to helping people secure the compensation they need to put their lives back together after a devastating car wreck. Attorney Pete Olson has more than 25 years of experience and has built a record of success by obtaining favorable results in thousands of cases and multimillion-dollar settlements and verdicts.

Schedule a Free Consultation

Contact us today by clicking the button above to request a free evaluation of your pedestrian accident case. We’ll examine the evidence from the crash, review your medical history, and work diligently to determine what a fair level of compensation might be. Our Clarksville car accident attorney will handle calls with insurance companies and other involved parties, and we’ll take the time to help you understand your case every step of the way. Let us help protect your rights.

For immediate assistance, do not hesitate, call 1-877-GETPETE right away!

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